Renewed Edge Hypnodontics Training

Become the Best Dentist You Could Be

Benefits of the Renewed Edge Hypnodontics Training

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Every therapeutic relationship starts with rapport. This Renewed Edge certification course teaches you the use of hypnosis in dentistry. You can learn to build rapport from the first time you interact with the patient to the completion of the treatment.

Dental staff can become more confident in treating patients because of their better focus and outstanding care quality. Hypnodontics can help the dental team become more focused and efficient at work. Dentists who can teach patients how to manage pain and anxiety better can provide much higher quality care than those who have not received this hypnotherapy training.

Hypnodontics uses hypnosis to help patients overcome their fear of dental procedures. As a result, they can receive the treatment they need without feeling anxious or stressed. Their experience in the dental office becomes more pleasant, and they will not put off visits to your office. They will trust you and seek your help whenever needed.

Studies have shown that patients, including children, who have recourse to a hypnodontics treatment tend to have less anxiety and fear during dental procedures and are more likely to comply with treatment recommendations.

Too many people are afraid of dental procedures. When you can put the patients at ease and help them enjoy the procedure, they will be eager to come back and have them take care of their teeth.

More satisfied clients always lead to better word-of-mouth. As you welcome these new referrals and expand your practice, you can better serve your patients. Client satisfaction, quality of care and your bottom line can grow.

Who Should Take this Hypnodontics Course?

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A dentist trained in hypnodontics can help patients overcome any negative associations they may have with dental care. In addition, hypnosis can help reduce pain perception and increase tolerance to discomfort during dental procedures. Hypnosis can be a valuable tool for increasing patient compliance with treatment plans and improving outcomes.

The Renewed Edge Hypnotherapy School provides specialist hypnosis training and hypnotherapy certification in Hong Kong.

As an oral health educator, you promote your patients’ dental health. By learning hypnodontics, you can better communicate with them and improve their dental hygiene.

Every member of the team contributes to the general atmosphere of the dentist’s office. Following our course, you can help clients overcome negative emotions such as fear and enjoy a better experience.

You are the first point of contact with the patient. The first impression you create will continue to permeate the client’s relationship with the dental clinic. By learning how to communicate better with the clients, you can help the clinic thrive.

Hypnodontics Training for Dentists and Dental Staff

This course includes:
  • The introduction of hypnosis in dentistry
  • Causes of dental anxiety and how to overcome fears
  • How to build rapport with patients
  • Improving your communication with patients
  • Phrases to avoid and hypnotic words to use
  • Hypnosis inductions (rapid and instant)
  • Introduction to hypnotic deepeners
  • Hypnotic techniques during work phase
  • Emerging phase
  • Hypnotherapy applications for various dental problems
  • Somnambulism, analgesia, and anaesthesia
  • Helping patients manage pain
  • How to work with patients suffering from other phobias (fear of needles, fear of drills and much more)
  • Stress management and self-care for dental staff
  • How to work with a certified hypnotherapist

Partner with Us & Help your Clients

Do your patients suffer from the fear of dentists, bruxism, excessive gag reflex, nail-biting, thumb-sucking or smoking? We can help!


Hypnodontics refers to the use of hypnosis in dentistry.

Hypnodontics is a branch of dentistry that uses hypnosis to help patients relax and feel more comfortable during dental procedures.

Reducing anxiety and fear in dental patients can make procedures more comfortable for them. The result is happier patients, better treatment outcomes and more referrals. Enquire about the best hypnosis course for dentists today and contact us.

Helping the patients relax and enjoy the experience in the dental office is one of your priorities. By supplementing the procedures with better communication, you can make a difference in how the clients feel. In addition, by helping reduce anxiety and fear in dental patients, you can create more comfortable procedures for them.

Dental hygienists do much more than assess inflammation and look for cavities and changes in the mouth. As you teach oral hygiene, you can amplify the results of orthodontics treatment. As a result, you can become a trusted member of the dental team that patients will seek for advice.

Hypnodontics Training

Be at the Top of your Field!

Price: US$925

Stay informed. Sign up today and we will let you know the next date.


* Dates will be announced soon