Mind Can Overcome DNA

Sleep Hypnosis is the Way to Deal With Insomnia
Hypnotherapy Explained
Hypnosis is more than a magician’s trick from the movies. This therapeutic technique involves trained practitioners making suggestions to individuals when they are relaxed and focused. This state of mind is similar to daydreaming or deep concentration.
In the past, hypnotherapy has been a controversial form of treatment; however, modern research shows that hypnosis can help relieve and control chronic conditions as well as aid in breaking bad habits.
Pain Management
For over 20 years, we have had clear evidence that hypnosis can effectively treat chronic pain. In a paper published by the American Psychological Association (APA), a study found that hypnotherapy could reduce the prevalence of chronic migraines significantly.
As a matter of fact, 44% of responders reported complete remission of their migraine headaches. Similarly, another study showed a 30% or greater decrease in chronic pain, particularly neuropathic pain caused by damage to the nervous system with hypnosis for pain relief.
Even immediate pain relief is possible with hypnotherapy.
The University of Utah conducted a study among hospital patients with unmanageable pain. After just one 15-minute hypnosis session, one-third of the subjects reported pain reduction on par with an opioid dose.
IBS and Gut-Directed Hypnotherapy
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) stems from disordered brain-gut-microbiome connections.
A study in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences shows how gut-directed hypnotherapy (GHT) targets coping ability, the central nervous system, and brain-gut interaction. Though little change in gut microbiota was observed, researchers believe that GHT’s action on the nervous system contributes to its success.
The Public Library of Science put forth a study suggesting that hypnotherapy increases resilience in people with IBS. More resilience translates to less psychological distress and reduced symptom severity, resulting in improved quality of life overall.
After Cancer Care
Although no studies have shown that hypnotherapy can cure cancer itself, Cancer Research UK has compiled some interesting literature on the benefits of hypnosis during and after cancer treatment. It’s not uncommon for people to experience stress, anxiety, and depression while being treated for cancer.
Hypnotherapy may help relieve some of these overwhelming emotions and allow individuals to better relax and cope with their diagnosis.
As mentioned earlier, hypnotherapy can greatly reduce pain. It may also alleviate nausea in children undergoing chemotherapy. It is becoming increasingly common for doctors to prescribe hypnotherapy in conjunction with mainstream cancer treatment.
Hypnosis: A True Alternative
Hypnotherapy has transitioned from the witch doctor’s ploy to the qualified practitioner’s treatment of choice. And its benefits extend beyond the typical applications like smoking cessation hypnotherapy. In both the present and the long term, hypnosis can provide significant pain relief and improve quality of life for IBS sufferers.
It is also a worthy addition to conventional cancer treatment. In light of this information, it is conceivable that many other conditions could be treated, managed, or cured by hypnotherapy.
Use the articles on our website to further educate yourself about hypnotherapy and its many health benefits for men, women and children. There is hope beyond endless medication and lack of control over your own life. Contact Renewed Edge today to see if hypnosis is right for you.